Estate Planning
GoodTrust Co-Founder - Digital Legacy Is Story Of You
Imagine that every object in your life that matters to you, everything that is meaningful, is inside one room: family heirlooms, treasured photos, money, expensive items, inexpensive items, your choice. Pack it full. Don’t leave anything behind. Now imagine that same room suddenly has impenetrable walls and no doors, no windows, no way inside. And you’re standing outside of it. Locked out.
Then you die.
Everything you cared about is trapped inside that room. No will or estate trust will ever note their inheritance. No one in your life now or in the future will ever possess them at your behest or understand their value or learn about their stories. There is no copy of these objects, and you were the only person who believed in the reason for their existence or appreciated their inherent value. And now they have essentially disappeared. It is as if they never existed!
How does that make you feel?
Hold that thought.
Now imagine the opposite.
Every bit of information there is of you in this world—everything from what you think, what you say, what you see, what you buy, and where you go—was available for anyone to browse after you’ve died.
Some of your most private information. Available to strangers. Your children. Your business competitors. Theirs for the taking.
How does that make you feel? Would we like what others see? The mistakes. The imperfections. The poor choices. The humanity.
Both of these scenarios are a reality when it comes to our digital footprints: all the invaluable information that has been collected by computers and devices while we’re alive. The choices around what happens to your digital legacy are up to you. But doing nothing is not a strategy. And that's where GoodTrust comes in—whether you're planning ahead or taking care of someone else.
What is the digital story of YOU?
Our digital life encompasses our every interaction with a screen, including social media posts, Google photos shared, playlists curated, blog posts posted, articles read, food ordered, destinations driven, and money spent. Digital assets like cryptocurrency or personal accounts like dating profiles. Countless videos and images and memories. This, coupled with other media available about us online—articles written about us, social media photos we’re tagged in, and so on—forms our digital legacy.
Don't lose an opportunity this Easter to help unite the family through a strong plan for your digital legacy. The digital story of you. And add a Trusted Contact today to ensure someone you trusted is included in your wishes. Because you're not in this alone.