Estate Planning
Create Your Durable Financial Power of Attorney in 5 Easy Steps
Creating a Durable Financial Power of Attorney (POA) is an important step in your estate planning journey - congrats on committing the time! Your Power of Attorney will allow you to indicate your financial wishes and entrust them to someone close to you. Once it’s completed, you’ll rest easy knowing your wishes are recorded and secure.
At GoodTrust, we’re dedicated to making estate planning easy, accessible, and intuitive. That’s why we created document-creation tools that take you step-by-step through each section to ensure all your information is properly inputted. Let’s review each of the important sections of your POA.
1. About You
It’s your Power of Attorney so let’s start with you! In this section, you’ll provide basic information such as your name, email address, phone number, and address.
2. Designated Agent
In this step, you’ll designate your appointed agent. Your agent is the person you designate to act on your behalf and make financial decisions for you when needed. You may also nominate a successor agent - or a backup - should you choose to do so. Maintain maximum control by indicating the timeframe you’d like your Power of Attorney to go into effect.
3. General Powers
In this section, you’ll be able to choose which powers you’d like to grant your appointed agent. You can choose to give general powers or select specific powers which include (and are not limited to): managing your financial accounts, personal property, businesses, insurance, real estate, and much more.
4. Specific Authority & Instructions
This section allows you to provide greater detail regarding how you wish your agent to engage with the powers and authority you’ve granted them. Here, you’ll be prompted to answer questions regarding real estate, conservatorship, pets, restrictions, compensation, and more.
5. Review
This final section allows you to review all the information you’ve inputted throughout the Power of Attorney creation process. We recommend that you take the time to carefully read through each of your entries to make sure everything is correct and in accordance with your wishes. Once you’ve confidently reviewed your Power of Attorney, you may save and finish.
In order to create a robust estate plan, you'll want to consider creating the following important documents as well. Please note all of the following are included in our Estate+ plan:
Start your Power of Attorney today! Click here to begin.