Let's get started

But first, a quick tutorial.

As you get started with your Advance Health Care Directive, we'd like to briefly explain how it works, how it becomes legally valid, and how to store it within your GoodTrust account. Ready? Let's go!

01. Create a GoodTrust account

Setting up your GoodTrust account takes just a few minutes and creating an advance directive is free. We'll walk you through the whole process from start to finish.

02. Designate a Primary Doctor, Health Agent, and Wishes for Medical Care

Enter contact information for a physician, health agent, and, if desired, an alternate for each. Then, we'll walk you through entering your medical care instructions.

03. Sign, print, & keep safe

After you print your medical directive, you can either have two witnesses or a notary sign. Then simply upload your document to your GoodTrust account for safekeeping.